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Hairstyles to Avoid Head Lice

Writer's picture: Happy Heads ClinicHappy Heads Clinic

When moms and dads finally sort out the head lice problem, the next concern is how to prevent the nightmare from coming back again.

Since head lice are transmitted by direct head-to-head contact, there are hairstyles that can be done to avoid head lice.

When selecting a hairstyle to avoid head lice, keep in mind that the best ones are those that keep the hair consolidated and close to the head - minimizing the contact area and the chances of lice that are on other heads paying a visit.

Hairstyles to Avoid Head Lice

Does wearing your hair up prevent head lice?

Head lice tend to affect girls more than boys. Why? After all, any human being who has hair on his head is at risk. Hairstyles with very short hair are best used on boys who so rub against others while playing, and thus are less likely to get head lice. On the contrary, girls who love to wear long hair are more likely to get it, with these hairstyles they don't need to cut them to avoid lice.

Here are some hairstyles to avoid head lice. These hairstyles do not treat head lice, but they reduce the chances of getting them.

Hairstyles to Avoid Head Lice
Pony Tail

Pony Tail

Do ponytails prevent head lice? They are so much better than loose hair! This is the easiest hairstyle of all. Bring all the hair together at the back or top of the head. To make the ponytail look less sloppy, smooth out any bumps with your hairbrush and secure it with a rubber band. To make this one of the best hairstyles for head lice prevention, you can braid your loose hair. When it comes to styles that protect against lice, a ponytail is good, braid is best, but a bun is best.

Hairstyles to Avoid Head Lice


Does keeping your hair in a bun help prevent head lice? A basic bun is the best hairstyle to avoid head lice. It's also the easiest for the uncoordinated to create more extravagant hairstyles. Simply pin all the hair on top of the head, twist the hair into a “bun” and secure it. This hairstyle keeps all of the hair contained in one area of the head, while offering a smaller area of contact that lice need to move from one head to another. That's why it's one of the best hairstyles for preventing head lice.


Do braids help prevent head lice? Another of the best hairstyles to keep lice out are braids, and the best thing is that there are braids for all tastes and styles.

Hairstyles to Avoid Head Lice

You can make a simple braid, they are the ones that start at the nape of the neck and go to the end of the hair. It can be in the middle of the head or on the side. Easy to make, practical and versatile!

You can make one French braid, they are the ones that start above the nape, glued to the scalp. To do this you just need to grab three locks of hair from the top of your head. With the strand of hair on the far right, cross it over the middle section of hair and combine it with the strand of hair on the left. Now it has two sections of hair. To the left of the combined hair section, grab the other hair section to make three full sections again. Grab this section and combine it with the rightmost section of hair, then grab another section of hair on the right side. Continue this process until you have integrated all the hair into this braid and have only three strands left.

You can also make 2 French braids parallel to the hair, to do this divide the hair into 2 parts and make 1 embedded braid in each part, ie instead of pinning the hair like you did with a ponytail, create two smaller embedded braids in each one of the sections on each side of the head.

There are many other braids you can make, these are just a few.

Keep in mind that although there is less risk of getting lice with braids in the hair, it can be caught if the hair comes into direct contact with another head with lice. Braids only prevent inadvertent contact, however they cannot prevent lice when contact occurs.

Hairstyles to Avoid Head Lice
Pig Tails

Pig Tails

Combing your hair with 2 Ponytail or Pig Tails is another common hairstyle to keep lice out. This style is suitable for those with shorter hair, younger people or people looking for a unique and bold style. Simply divide the hair to create two equal sections of hair on each side of the head and secure them with a rubber band. If you want you can also braid your hair loose or even make a bun in each of the pony tail.

When choosing your hairstyle, make sure the hair is held in place so it doesn't fall apart during the day, adding our gel or head lice preventative spray for an added layer of protection.

If your efforts fail, call the Happy Heads Clinic, we'll help! Call 917807500!


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