Head Lice and Nits

What are Lice?
Lice are parasites usually found in the scalp. Outside the scalp, they die between 24 to 48 hours. Their favorite food is the blood he feeds on, four times a day. What a vampire!
The lice lodges itself at the back of the neck and behind the ears because it runs away from light and seeks the warmth of the human body. They love clean, curly, straight, blond, dark hair ... and they don't understand social status. All that matters is feeding and breeding in record time.
Who can catch lice?
Head lice infestation known as pediculosis is more common in children aged 3 to 11 who attend school but anyone is prone to catching them.
How do head lice spread?
Head lice walk, do not bounce or fly and only spread by direct contact with the hair.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediculosis?
A tingling feeling and a sensation that something is moving in the hair.
Itching caused by lice bites.
Irritability and difficulty sleeping as lice are most active at night.
Scalp lesions caused by scratching. These lesions can become infected.
Curiosities about Lice
A louse passing from one head to another and feeding on a new blood type can die instantly , however if it lays eggs before it dies, the new eggs can feed on the new blood type and survive;
Lice can only move to a new head 5 days after hatching and can start laying eggs 7 to 10 days after hatching. If you find a baby louse a few days after treatment, it means that some nits were left behind;
A female louse can mate once and become pregnant for life, laying 4 to 5 eggs twice a day for about 20 to 23 days before dying. This way we can see how quickly a lice infestation can happen.
What is the Lice Life Cycle?
In order to treat lice and nits it is very important to understand the life cycle of this parasite.
An egg of the louse (nit) since it is placed at the root of the hair until it dies passes approximately 33 to 35 days:
Day 0 - The louse egg (nits) is placed at the root of the hair
Day 6 to 7 - The louse leaves the egg (nits)
Days 8 to 17 - The louse undergoes 3 changes until it differs into male or female
Days 17 to 19 - The female lays her first egg (nits)
Days 19 to 35 - The male copulates with any female and the females lay eggs continuously, being able to lay approximately 170 eggs throughout their life