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Head Lice: Guide for Parents

Writer's picture: Happy Heads ClinicHappy Heads Clinic

If you already have experience with head lice, you know how difficult it is to deal with this problem, for parents with doubts here is a Guide on Head Lice for Parents!

The best defense against head lice is to learn and know how to get rid of head lice, most cases can be treated at home.

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Head Lice Guide for Parents!

What are head lice?

Head lice are tiny insects that feed on blood. There are 3 types of lice that feed on human blood: head lice, body lice and pubic lice.

Only body lice are known to spread disease, head lice are not, however they are the most contagious, especially in children. In most cases, head lice cause only mild symptoms and pose few health risks. These are head lice that we are going to talk about from now on.

Head Lice and Nits or Lice eggs
Nits and Head Lice

A head lice infestation is technically called a “pediculosis”. Contrary to popular belief, it's not for lack of hygiene. The cleanest person in the world can get lice if they have close contact with someone who has lice or share personal items.

How can you get head lice?

  • if you put your head or hair near someone who has lice

  • if you put on a hat or scarf that was used by someone with lice

  • if you use a comb or brush that has been used by someone with head lice.

  • if you share other personal items such as hair bows, pillows, blankets, towels with someone who has lice

Lice have no wings and cannot fly or jump, they just crawl. Their eggs or "nits" do not move as they are glued by the lice to the hair strands.

As such, there need to be close contact for the louse to pass from one person's head to another. As head lice only feed on human blood, there is no risk of getting lice from pets or other animals.

It's a myth that lice don't live in short hair. In fact, they don't care much about hairstyle or length, setting about 1/4 inch from the scalp. This means they can survive on most people's heads, even people with relatively short hair.

What are the symptoms of head lice?

  • itchy scalp

  • sensation of something crawling on the scalp

  • small wounds on the scalp, which can become infected, the risk being greater if the scalp is scratched a lot.

How to check for head lice?

If you suspect your child may have lice, choose a spot with good light and check the entire scalp. Head lice tend to avoid strong light, which can make them easier to spot when trying to get away.

Best Lice Comb!

Head lice and nits are more likely to be found around and behind the ears and along the hairline and neck. You can use a fine lice comb in your child's hair to check for nits and lice.

Sometimes checking for head lice can be tricky, if you're not sure, we have good news for you: you can always visit the Happy Heads Clinic, where we do a free head lice diagnosis and thus clear all your doubts.

What is the treatment for head lice?

If your child has lice or nits, it is important to get them treated quickly to prevent the rest of the family from getting lice. You should also check other family members for signs of lice and nits. Treat everyone who has head lice at the same time to reduce the risk of re-infection.

Head lice can be treated in several ways:

  • Over-the-counter or prescription drugs, carefully following package instructions.

  • In specialized clinics such as Happy Heads Clinic, ensuring a professional, chemical-free, safe and effective treatment.

What care should be taken after the treatment?

It is also important to clean items that may contain lice. For example, if your child has lice or nits, remember to wash:

  • accessories such as: hats, brushes, combs, scarves

  • clothes worn in the days before treatment

  • pillowcases and sheets used ​​in the days before treatment

  • brushes and combs

  • towels

Lice and nits are killed by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Machine wash items that may be infested at high temperature, if you cannot wash them, seal them in a plastic bag for a week.

To be safer, vacuum mattresses, furniture and floors to remove any lice that may have fallen out.

If in doubt, schedule a free lice diagnosis at Happy Heads Clinic or treatment if you prefer not to use chemicals, get efficacy and safety!

Call now! 917 807 500!



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